You have received a suggestion for improvement from a staff member: The walking distances at Station_04 to the material "electric plug" (part number 00000004) are very long, although they could be much shorter. Analyse the situation with ipolog.
To do this, select the workers of ward four in the filter set and click on the button "show Worker".
More information about the Filter Set is available here.
Open the Animation Control and select the product "E-Performance Comfort_All".
More information about the Animation Control is available here.
Perform the calculation for all products via the key combination ALT+SHIFT+R (alternatively also via the File menu under Simulation)
Tip: If the product is not yet displayed on the assembly line, use the setting options to show/hide the 3D components in the upper left part of the 3D view.
To check this, take a look at the worker routes of Station_04 in the 3D view. Use the Animation Control for a better representation. Use the Play button to start the cycle simulation and see live how the workers walk. This shows that these routes are very inefficient.
Now check the colleague's suggestion for improvement with the Colorizer. This offers you the possibility to carry out a visual (colour) analysis based on various properties.
To better identify the problem, open the Colorizer and first select "more..." and then "Worker -> Box". Now you can see that material is placed on the wrong side of the station.
The component 00000004, which is needed at the left material surface of station 4, is currently on the right side. Move the material in the Material Provisioning Editor to the left material surface (Station_04_ML).
After you have placed the material on the left side, recalculate the workers' routes for your products via the File menu under Simulation.
Save your progress.
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