At Station_18_ML, different screws (part numbers 00000002 and 10000455) are installed that are very similar in appearance. So that the workers do not pick up the wrong screw, they are to be delivered in different coloured load carriers.
To do this, go to the Material Provisioning Editor and select the screw with the part number 00000002 at Station_18_ML.
Tip: Use the filter function in the Material Provisioning Editor. Here you have the possibility to search and filter for specific materials. If the materials are located on several material surfaces, also use the filter for the material surfaces.
Since in the Material Provisioning Editor it is theoretically possible to adjust the preparation form for each individual material use (i.e. for each product and each process individually), you must ensure that you select all relevant lines in the editor when making the following change. This can be done with correct filtering (material "00000002" and material area "Station_18_ML") by pressing Ctrl+A.
By default, the bolts in load carrier 6280-KLT_blue are set here. In the Material Provisioning Editor, select the screws with the part number 00000002 and open the Catalog. As soon as you have opened the catalog, select 6428-KLT_red, as it has the same dimensions but is red. Confirm with "Apply".
To make a container change, you can also use the Material Provisioning Editor in the Deliver-Type tab and select "assign box type".
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