To import and edit resources in ipolog 4 Material Flow, first select the “Resources” module:
Here you can import all necessary resources - except for boxes and racks - via “Import All”:
Containers and shelves are imported via the Common Data.
The resources must be available in the following folder structur
Besides importing all resources at once, it is also possible to import them individually. After opening the import window, the corresponding folder must be selected.
Please note:
- Boxes and Racks are importet via the Common Data
- The name of a resource can be up to 32 characters long.
- The name and the key must be unique for each resource.
- This restriction is already visible to the user at the resource workers, the tuggers and the direct transports when changing or assigning names.
- The resources and their properties are defined in the respective .jsn file and can be manipulated (e.g. with the Windows Editor)
In the examples below the individual resources are explained
Worker (Werker)
Since Release 4.2.x, it has been possible to directly adapt the attributes of the workers in the software.
Definable attributes are:
- Name
- Description of the
hourly rate - personal distribution time
- objective distribution time
- unplanned distribution time
After changing these properties, the Save and Discard button becomes active, which allows the user to decide on the future use of the changes.
When importing workers, distribution times can also be stored in the .jsn import file. The following lines have to be entered into the import file:
"personal_allowance": 0.1,
"objective_allowance": 0.05,
"unplanned_allowance": 0.2,
As can already be seen in this example, only values between 0 and 1 are possible for the distribution times. Decimal numbers are separated by a dot.
In this case, the number 0.1 for the personal distribution time means that 10% of the actual process time must be calculated.
If no distribution times are stored in the .jsn file, the software automatically sets the distribution times of the individual workers to 0%.
After the successful import of workers with distribution times or the definition of distribution times in the software, the three different distribution times are added together. They are displayed under "Total distribution time".
The distribution times are taken into account when calculating the transports - for route train transports and direct transports and the manpower requirement.
Tugger Types (Schlepper)
The following attributes of the resources tuggger types, which are considered in other submodules, are already adapted in the software:
- Name
- Description
- Upfront cost
- Operating cost
- Max. Speed
- Maximum number of trailers
If changes are made to tugger types already used in planning, an update is also carried out after saving in resource management in the other submodules in the software.
Of course, all other properties below the note "currently only for information" can also be changed and saved in the software.
Since version 2019-01 of ipolog 4 Material Flow, tugger types can also be exported from the software. After clicking on the "Export" button, the name and storage location of the tugger to be exported must be entered in the dialog that opens. Only the tugger type that is active/blue is exported.
Tugger types can now also be created directly in the software. When creating a new resource in the software, the key is automatically assigned by the software. This key is only available once for resources of the type tugger types.
In addition to creating tugger types in the software, tugger types that are not used in further planning can also be deleted.
Tugger types existing in the software can be duplicated directly in ipolog 4 Material Flow.
Trailer types (Anhaenger)
Trailers for tuggers can be imported here.
As of Release 2019-07, you can create material areas for imported trailers, on which the material is later placed in the simulation.
There is a button that can be used to add any number of material areas for the selected trailer type on the left (see 1). For each added material area you can define length, width and height (see 2). It is also possible to define the leading edge for each material area (see 3). Material areas can be removed again using "Delete" (see 4).
As of Release 2019-08, material areas for trailers can also be imported into the software. To do this, they must be stored in the jsn file of the trailer with the following format:
The dimensions (length, width and height) as well as the name of the material area to be imported must be stored (see 1). In addition, the leading edge to be used must be stored in the file (see 2). The following options can be stored for the leading edge:
- "l" or "r" for left or right
- "f" or "e" for front or end
- "l.r" for left and right
- "f,e" for front and end
Direct Transports (Direkttransportmittel)
Direct transports resources can be edited, created, deleted, duplicated, and exported.
The functions can be accessed via the respective buttons for the resource highlighted in blue (with the exception of creating a resource).
Basically, the following values are to be defined by the user when editing and creating resources, which are also used in the other areas of the software:
- Name
- Description
- Upfront cost
- operating costs
- Max. speed
- transport type
Of course, it is also possible to adjust the other values that are not used in the software and are currently only stored in the resource for information.
When creating a new resource in the software, the key is automatically assigned by the software. This key is only available once for resources of the type direct transports.
The shift plan is to be assigned to the respective resource in the submodule "Shift schedule management". After the allocation, the defined shift plan is automatically transferred to the respective direct transport.
When changing the transport type, the display in the 3D view and in the thumbnails is changed, e.g. when switching from forklift to AGV.
Please Note:
- If resources are to be finally deleted, the process must be completed by clicking "Save" after deleting a direct transport. If a resource is only deleted without being saved, it is possible to undo the deletion using the "Discard" button.
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