The Material Provisioning Editor contains a list of the information of all materials. This includes the description of the material, the assignment to container, rack and material area. Changes in material provision can easily be made in the Material Provisioning Editor:
The Material Provisioning Editor is divided into 5 modules dedicated to different functions:
Number | Module | Function | Description |
1 | Table adjustment | Sort | Simply left-click on the column title, e.g. "Worker", to sort the column alphabetically in ascending or descending order |
Filter |
You can adjust the respective filter by simply left-clicking on the arrows next to the column title |
2 | Provision requirements | Select (Version 4.5.0 and higher) | Once you have selected a material from the table, you can also select materials with the same properties (such as being in the same area - "same area") by simply left-clicking on the buttons "same sequence", "same material", "same area", "same rack", "same stage", "same stage & Log-ID" and "manually changed box count". |
3 | Interaction Module | Rack-Type | Selected materials can be edited in relation to their shelves here. "put on floor" moves the selected material to the floor of the corresponding area. "assign rack type", on the other hand, moves the material to a desired rack. |
Delivery-Type |
Selected materials can be edited here in relation to their container. "assign box type" moves the material to a desired container, which can be customized with the other parameters. The box count, the associated box matrix, the rotation of the containers and the assignment to a grouping chain can also be manually adjusted. Please note: To be able to assign parts to a grouping chain, they must be on the same stage and the same material area. |
Picking | Selected materials can be edited here in relation to the interaction with workers. With "select pick point", you can determine a suitable pick point for the material, which can be adjusted with the other parameters. | ||
Area |
Selected materials can be edited here in relation to their position. With "assign area", materials can be assigned to an area, and with "Area -> OC" or "OC -> Area", the materials can be moved from the area to the outside corner and vice versa. |
Layout (Version 4.4.7 and higher) | Selected materials can be processed here in relation to their stage. | ||
Annotations |
Annotations can be saved here for all selected materials. |
Color |
A color can be assigned to the containers here. This change is also visible in the 3D view, 2D view and the rack planogram. |
4 | Table selection | Text Size | The text size can be adjusted here. |
Clear all filters | All selected filters can be deleted here. | ||
Create / Delete Log-ID | Creates or deletes a Log-ID. | ||
Box Demand | Opens the advanced settings for material settings. | ||
5 | Table view (ab Version 4.5.0) |
Show selected only | Hides all materials except the selected ones. |
Select all | Selects all checkboxes. | ||
Deselect all | Deselects all checkboxes. | ||
Checkboxes | The checkboxes can be used to add the corresponding data to the table view. |
Functions before Version 4.5.0
Sort: Click on the column name to sort the column. Another click reverses the sorting.
Filter: The small down arrow opens the filter menu. Different columns can be filtered in parallel.
Delete filter: All filter settings are reset.
Number of selected rows: Here you can see how many rows are currently selected.
Show 3d labels: If there is a check mark in the box, the names of the boxes and racks are displayed in the 3D layout.
Text size: Use the up and down keys to adjust the font size of the table.
Hide columns: The columns of the individual areas can be hidden by clicking on the corresponding button. From left to right: operation details, box details, rack details, column visibility.
Multiple selection / modification
Several lines can be selected in the Table Editor by pressing and dragging with the left mouse button. Alternatively, lines can be added or removed from the current selection by simultaneously pressing CTRL when left-clicking on a line. With SHIFT and left click the range between two lines can be selected.
Alternatively, several surfaces, racks or load carriers can be selected in the 3D view with CTRL, so that they are also selected in the Table Editor.
If several rows are selected, they are automatically changed together when a property is changed in the Table Editor. This also applies to changes made with the Catalog.
Linked functions
3D view
If a rack or a box is selected via the 3D view, the selected material is visually highlighted / marked line by line in the Material Provisioning Editor.
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