The new ipolog structure of the projects has significant changes - those are available now: With those changes, the data consistency between our planning tools ipolog 4 Material Flow and ipolog 4 Workspace can be achieved. Changes of common part data like material infomation is shared via updates and can be used in both tools. A new world of planning is waiting for you - let’s start! More information: hier.
Changes on the hierarchy of projects
In the hierarchy, now scenarios are following after projects. That means that for now, the common data has to be selected for scenarios to achieve the same data base. Below the scenarios, planning spaces are created for ipolog 4 Material Flow and ipolog 4 Workspace. They are using the common data selected for the scenarios.
There is still the chance to switch between the old existing structure and the new structure of ipolog. Like this, you are able to access sill the data. To switch, you can also use the user information button at the top right corner of the menu bar. Like this, you will still have access to all planning data as you had it before. To distinguish between both, we have different colours for the menu bar for the old existing structure and the new ipolog structure.
The existing planning can be easily transferred to our new data structure. Therefore, we have created a ipolog migration tool that you can use to migrate your existing planning data. This migration tool can be accessed via the creation of a new scenario in the new data structure. Please select the common data first before starting the migration. If you have navigated through the migration tool, the migration starts by its own. It is done in the background so you can continue working on other things while the migration is done. More information can be found here:
The common boxes and common racks you created before are still available for you after the change.
Common part data:
With this release, we provide more common data for you. Now, common part data is new. It is the base for the planning and provides all material information and on which area this material is placed. This allows us to have a consistent data base for planning the material in both focus points - material flow and fine placement. The common part data as planning states, analogous to the common racks and common boxes. It can also be selected during the creation of one scenario.
The part data is listed in common data in one high performant table that allows you to filter, sort and group very fast. More information: hier.
Something special for common part data, more attributes can be added to a common part data planning state individually. This can be down via the settings in a common part data planning state. You can find the settings there on top in the menu bar. Individual product names and custom columns can be added there. Those can also be used for filtering, grouping and sorting.
For adding data to a planning state of common part data, an excel-import can be used. During the import, the user can mapp individually the columns via a mapping option. This allows to import also excel files with different column headers than ipolog has.
Our ipolog attributes are separated into 6 different groups. Inside those, we have individual groups like stage. This is an optional group you can add on top. The number of stages can be set by you as a user. The stage group contains information like layoutlevel, material area, box matrix, initial level, … More information can be found: hier.
During the creation and the import but also during editing of part data, there is always the check if the part number and the log-id name are unique. If not, there is an information for the user.
During the import of the excel file, the header row can be selected to start the mapping of the columns correctly.
There is also an option during the creation and the import to define successor and predecessor relation of log-ids and to take the parameters of log-ids of the stages if the user would like to reduce planning effort. If this option is selected, we check if circular dependencies are occurring to ensure the consistency of your data.
Existing log-ids with different entries can be merged to one log-id chain together via one merge function. This allows us to merge data that was separated before to one long chain.
The reimport of part data to the planning state is possible, too. There can be different options being selected during reimport the part data. So there should be all options available to start an indivdual reimport of the part data.
To be faster with updates of log-ids that will affect several of them, you can use a multi-selection and muti-edit option for part data as we have already available for common boxes and common racks. More information can be found here: hier.
More changes as a result of changing the hierarchy and adding common part data
Parts that are not relevant for the planning of your planning space can be excluded for the planning via horizontal and vertical filters. The horizontal filter (=ruleset) allows you to exclude special parts that should not be part of your planning space, the vertical filter allows you to select those areas that should not be in your planning space. More information about them, can be found here: Those filters can be defined individually for each planning space.
Scenarios and the planning spaces a scenario contains, can be duplicated easily. This allows us to check single changes and its impact on the whole planning.
As it is already known from the old structure, before opening a scenario, there is a diff view to see the differences between the planning states of the scenario and the planning state changes that were done since the last opening of the scenario. In this case, all changes have to be taken to the scenario. A second diff is shown before opening the planning space, to be aware of the changes that can impact the planning space. In this case also the part data changes can be selected by the user that should be taken to the planning space. In the diff view for part data, also the changes that were done to the planning space are shown. More information can be found here: hier.
Common part data of a scenario is also available in the planning space overview of a scenario. It can be opened and the last state of the part data of a scenario can be seen there. Options for filtering, sorting and grouping are also available in this view.
In the 3D view of common boxes and common racks, the axis have now some more meaningful descriptions that allow to understand which dimensions of width, depth and height they are showing.
Known issues:
The visualisation of "scenario locked" is not always up to date.
If changes are done for the grouping chain in ipolog 4 Material Flow and published to common part data of the scenario, there is one issue that the material areas are not corretly added to the web view.
If log-ids are created with a loading unit but without a loading carrier, there is a hint missing for the user.
Currently, the kpi monitor is not updated for the new scenario structure, we will do this soon and provide a hotfix for you.
Solved issues:
Several performance improvements that allow to work faster with less waiting times during different actions.
During reimporting of common boxes and common racks, changes are considered and shown as such.
Templates are no longer locked if they are in use in a planning space. The status of a template can be changed by the super admin user.
When working with common boxes, changes of the max. loading weight are now published.
We have improved the error logs for issues that are occurring to be more transparent for the user and to reduce more and more the sources of these errors.
A planning state with more than 10k boxes can now be imported.
ipolog 4 Material Flow
In the lqf ( logistics quantity framework) views, in the submodule lqf and supply chain editor, the columns “successor log-id” and “predecessor log-id” were added. Those attributes can be added to a log-id during the import and the creating and editing in a planning state.
The excel-import of the kpi-monitor has now the information about the area size available. Now the area size of each layout level is visualized. This information can be passed now to other colleagues after the planning in ipolog is done.
For a realistic planning and evaluation, the blocking areas are now considered. The blocking areas can be created in ipolog 4 Workspace and imported to ipolog 4 Material Flow via the import of the layout. The blocking areas can be assigned to the layout structure as material areas are assigned to it. The blocking areas can be evaluated in the kpi monitor in a separate section.
The option to import an excel file i the lqf submodule was removed because changes to this part data and log-id information is now received via an update from the planning state of common parts to ensure a consistent planning.
Known issues:
In shift schedule management, there are several smaller issues.
If the user switches between area and volume evaluation, there is no update directly in 2D view.
In the kpi-monitor there are several smaller issues, e.g. when calculating the evaluation of the logistic processes.
In the means of transport pre calculation there is not always an update if the parameters are changed in this view.
The cycle time of a tugger train is not started directly with the working time of the simulation day. So if there is a break, the cycle is starting directly after the break time and not includes the left over driving time that needs to be done of the cycle before the break.
The maximum weight in transport caculation is not calculated correct in some corner cases.
Depending on the power of your computer and depending on the size of the planning space, there could occur some crashes during transport calculation.
There could be a crash when the user switches in cost evaluation to costs per part.
If empty chains and grouping chains are currently published, there might be an issue when updating the planning space again, because the areas are not added to the correct stage of its chain.
Solved issues:
In the cost evaluation issues were solved when adding costs manually.
After changing the submodule, they can be edited again or deleted.
If costs were manually added, the submodule can no longer be switched in the editing mode.
Issues during discarding.
Adaptations of the tooltips in manpower overview.
Correct update of the cycle time when switching between base product calculation and the detailed calcuation in production data submodule.
The header column of the export has now the exact column as in ipolog 4 Material Flow.
In some cases there was a crash when the decision tree was updated later on.
When saving the Lqf without loading units, there was also a crash.
When switching between submodules during the loading of scenarios/ planning spaces was a crash.
When discarding and closing, there was also a crash.
Grouping chains are now updated correct when they were generated automatically (Loading unit and loading carrier of the lqf are in use then).
Supply chain editor:
Issues when discarding not saved changes of routes and areas are solved.
The correct initial level is now in use.
In the dynamic evaluation in the 2d views, the issues with the threshold values are solved.
In the export of the transport list, the utilization of the trailers is shown.
After changing the default grouping chain of the default process chain, the update is done now directly of this change.
After updating the lqf the lqf view is updated correct if issues appeared during this process.
Exported layouts of ipolog 4 Workspace, that contain a reservoir area, can now be imported in ipolog 4 Material Flow.
The export of the kpi monitor shows not the correct values for the area size and the occupied area. Those values are identical with the values of the kpi monitor.
After a double-click on the layout level, the editing is possible now.
The assembly rate is no longer rounded to 2 decimal digits when reimport the lqf.
ipolog 4 Workspace
Due to the new project structure, loading units are now available in ipolog 4 Workspace to visualize the current planning correctly also in ipolog 4 Workspace. To distinguish between the different box types, there is a new column in the catalog that shows the box type. When changing the box in the material provisioning editor or in the catalog, there is the check if the selected box type is the same as it was before. Switching to another boxtype (loading carrier instead of loading unit) is not possible at this moment.
In ipolog 4 Workspace there is now a way to do only the placement planning with common part data without processes but common part data or with processes and common part data. Processes can only be imported via the scenario admin view in ipolog 4 Workspace. The material information can only be taken to ipolog 4 Workspace via common part data. By a combination of different parameters, the mapping between processes and material is done to have the calculation of worker paths available.
If your part data has for a stage the boxtype in and / or the boxtype out defined, then this is considered in ipolog 4 Workspace. On all stages, except the last stage shows the boxtype out. In ipolog 4 Workspace now all information of the stage is available and most of the important of the are shown in the tooltip e.g. in the 2D/ 3D view and also in the rack planogram and in the material provisioning editor this information is visible.
The material zone report was extended and shows now from which side each rack is visualized. So now, the current planning can be handed over to other colleagues and they understand from which side the racks are visualized. Also dummy material is shown here in this report now.
To find material even faster than before and to get a better overview of the planning, the colours of boxes that were set in the material provisioning editor or import via the common part data, are now shown not only in 2D and 3D view but also in the rack planogram.
In the material zone editor there is now the option to see the detailed material information for boxes and racks that we have also in the 2D view, if this option is activated there.
Material that was already placed on one area is now kept if new layoutdata is imported. We check here if the layout area was already available before or not and place then the material on the layout area, if the layout area is not available, then a reservoir areas is created and the material moved to this.
If there are changes on the part data planning state of a scenario/ planning space and differences to the current data of your planning space, there is a diff view when opening the planning space. In this diff view, all changes are listed and you as a user can decide which changes you would like to have in your planning space. When loading the workspace planning space, you can choose between two options of how placing your material in the planning space:
Use the existing algorithm and place the material on the new available space on the defined area.
Place material that has changes for special attributes such as material area, part weight or box type on the oc area.
Sometimes during the planning phase there is the need to add information in the 2D view somewhere to have reminders or other things available. So now in the layouteditor and in the material zone editor there is an option added to place information. These tags are available then in the tag list editor and can be edited there. They are also available in the (grouped) material zone report.
To have more transparency about the height limits set for material areas, they are now shown in the tooltip of areas in the 2D and 3D view.
Material that does not have any material area or station assigned and that was imported to a planning space, is automatically placed on the reservoir area (purple marked area). This material can be planned by using the material zone editor or the material provisioning editor.
Changes in Material Provisioning Editor:
To find material faster, there is an option available to show only this material in the material provisioning editor that is currently selected in the 2D and 3D view.
To have all relevant information available for the planning, new columns were added that provide this information, if it is included in the part data that is in use in the referring scenario. There the columns for part and log-id information, box-type, stage and extended stage information, custom columns and products are available. The column groups can be set to visible/invisible by the user.
If there is the need to edit multiple entries, we have now the option to multi-edit the selected entries in the material provisioning editor and to change also the stages here in the material provisioning editor, if those should be adjusted. Before publishing we check that the data is not destroyed in this case.
In the material zone editor there are now new buttons available to open a dialogue for changing the box principle and the calculation of the boxes that should be placed in ipolog 4 Workspace. There the user can select between the storage parameters (initial level, security level and reorder level of common part data of each stage) or the box principle. Only one of these options can be in use - not both. It is possible to change these things also manual in the material provisioning editor. For this we have the option available to update only those material, that was not updated manual by the user in the material provisioning editor. More information can be found here: hier.
In file menu, the option “Write Diff Excel Report” and Labs “Dump All” were removed.
Known issues:
In layout editor, the dimensions of width and depth of an area are not displayed correct in the information window of areas, if the area was rotated before.
In the view material provisioning editor not all attributes are updated automatically, e.g. z-rotation or moving material in the material zone editor.
Changing the diameter of a rack in the rack instance editor does not have a correct update in ipolog 4 Workpsace. So there is a visualisation issue at the moment.
For some old scenarios, dummy boxes are set back to a default value. We suggest switching to common boxes.
There is a crash when working with blocking areas inside a rack and changing the rack via the rack instance editor.
Dummy boxes are not marked as such in the rack planogram and in material zone editor.
There are some smaller issues when selecting elements in the 3D view and in the 2D view. One example is the zoom per double click on one element or changing the current selection.
If the user tries to move one material from the outside corner area to the material area view the material provisioning editor via the option "move to material area", there is sometimes the issue that it cannot be moved correctly.
In some cases, the facilities can get lost in the 3D view after importing them via the microstation plugin.
There are issues when considering the synchronisations points of processes. This means, they are not considered depending on the actions done in animation control or worker gantt.
Currently, it is still possible to select different products in the in the filter set for one station with several workers.
When updating the part data of a scenario to the planning space, there is one issue with the option "outside corner area", every single material is currently placed on the outside corner area, not only this material that was updated.
Solved issues:
Solved issues in 3D view:
Performance was optimized in the navigation and selection.
Tooltips work again for e.g. boxes in the center rack shelves.
Worker are moving if the animation is set to backwards.
Solved issues in 2D view:
Windows do no longer overlay for the measurements.
Selection frame is functional again after fixing elements and stop the fixing of them.
The moving of fixed elements is no longer possible via the x and y parameters.
Stations can no longer be deleted if a worker is assigned to them. This crash is also solved.
In material zone editor, negative values can no longer be added as parameters for the distance between elements.
If the user does a double-click on the info labels, the zoom to the correct place in 2d view is done now.
The rotation of a boxgroup is now shown in the 2D view, if the values are changed in the material provisioning editor. Additionally, the whole space will take the dimension of the rotated boxgroup.
Solved Crashes:
Crash when transferring data to ipolog factory viewer with an activated production program.
Crash when moving processes in worker gantt and recalculating the processes.
Crash after clicking on the tool symbol in 3D.
In material zone report the existing bays of racks are now visualized correct in the logistics view.
Material areas are shown in the worker path excel report correct.
In grouped material zone report, the hight for boxes with a boxcount higher than 1 is displayed correct.
In the racks, the bays are now visualized correct, when the user switches between assembly and logistics view.
Rotated boxes are now visualized in the same way in rack planogram and in the 3D view. Also, the visualisation is now correct in the different views, when empty rack instances were edited several times.
After changing the placement, the empty racks are kept.
Racks are moved to the outside corner area, if the z-hight of the area is adapted that the rack will be bigger than the hight-limit on the area.
The z-rotation in material provisioning editor is reset after changing and reloading the scenario/ planning space without saving.
When deleting stations in the layout editor, the yellow lines in the 3D view are now deleted and the station in conveyor editor, too.
Areas, that were imported via the dwg plugin are no longer rotated via e.g. 180°.
The selected language for the exports in excel are not considered. So if “en” for english is selected, the export of processes shows an english header.
The box dimensions of a 4MF package do no longer have several decimal digits.
Boxe disappear no longer, if they do not fit into one rack. If they do not fit into a rack, they are now placed on the outside corner area.
After reimport, the part data, the distance settings in the material zone editor are shown correct.
ipolog Factory Viewer
When transfering elements from ipolog 4 Workspace to the ipolog Factory Viewer, more details of the planning space are now transfered and not available for a better overview: material placement, selected products for each station (filterset selection), workers, worker paths. Each elements can be selected separate.
The volume visualisation was extended for areas by a diagram. Therefore, we have a good overview of the available storage capacities on the selected areas of the referring simulation day, more information can be found here: hier.
Now the correct used boxes are shown on the trailers of means of transport. If there is a stacking factor for them, also this is considered. Via a tooltip the user can read which log-id, box and parts per container are transported. Also, the weight of a box is shown. The boxes are placed depending to the algorithm selected if there is a dynamic or static calculation is selected in ipolog 4 Material Flow.
The factory viewer settings in ipolog 4 Material Flow and ipolog 4 Workspace are now saved directly inside the planning space. So each user will see the same when opening the planning space in the factory viewer.
Annotations with important information are now also available when reimporting the project in the factory viewer. This caused in the past some issues.
Sure, the factory viewer can work with the old and the new data structure of ipolog - both is possible.
Known issues:
Es gibt einen Zeitlichen Versatz zu 4 Material Flow zur laufenden Animation. Je länger diese abgespielt wird, wird der Versatz größer.
Solved issues:
Working without crashed and by solving several issues is now possible, also when transferring data from ipolog 4 Material Flow and ipolog 4 Workspace during the same time.
In the settings of the factory viewer in ipolog 4 Material Flow it is now possible to rename projects and planning spaces.
The timing of the animation (start, pause etc.) and the change of the speed restrictions is now synchronized to ipolog 4 Material Flow.
Depending on the size of the products, it is now possible to select workers (visualisation of worker paths), also when they are walking behind the product.
When restarting the factory viewer the complete screen is used, when this option is selected. Otherwise it is scaled to a dedicated size.
The transport network restrictions of ipolog 4 Material Flow now the same colour as in ipolog 4 Material Flow.
There are no longer overlays of the animation slider and the opened options on the left bottom.
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