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With our release version 4.5.1 we optimized the version 4.5.0. Due to this, the content of release version 4.5.0 is still valid, especially for the feature updates. In version 4.5.1 we added some more feature additionally to the version 4.5.0 content.
Please use the release notes 4.5.1 for the solved and known issues.
Link to release notes 4.5.0: Release Notes 4.5.0 – ipolog Helpcenter
ipolog Web-Views
- The part data of your scenario can be exported now as an excel file. Via this option you can reimport the part data of your scenario later on or share your planning data with your colleagues.
In the part data view of the scenario, groups can be created in the table view (similar to the common part data planning state). This supports you to order your data fast and be more efficient in finding your data again.
We added a new filter option to the part data of scenario view. With this option you can see for all planning spaces with part data, which data is in use in which planning space.
You will receive a warning message when you change your scenario part data planning state. Due to this you have more transparency which impact your changes have.
Common Data
- The table for common part data has more columns, we added here the e.g. the columns successor, predecessor, base product assembly rate, base product parts per product.
Die Tabelle der gemeinsamen Teiledaten (Common Part Data) wurde um einige Spalten ergänzt. Those columns can be used for filtering and grouping as it can be done with the other columns.
- We added the attribute "Default Supply Chain". Due to this, we can continue using the default supply chain column as a filter attribute in our decision tree in ipolog material flow. The attribute can also be used for filtering, grouping in the tables and in the rule set as a filter criteria.
We tried to optimise our hints for the user to have more transparency when creating new part data.
For importing an excel file to our part data planning state, we optimized the mapping algorithm, independently to the selected language. This allows us a faster import of the data and to reduce the effort for you.
You can choose the format for non formated cells before synchronising part data, e.g. dots as decimal separator. This choice is saved to your settings and will be preselected for further imports.
If no values are added for parts per product or the assembly rate for a log-id in your import data, when we set this value to non also in your import. There is no longer any error message shown.
Part data empties:
- The part data was extended to empties. This allows us to import empties to a part data planning state and use them also in ipolog 4 Workspace. Each empty log-id needs a direct relation to one log-id. Empty log-ids cannot be deleted from one part data planning state itself or being edited.
- The empties are also included to the diff views. So will have the full transparency about the empties, too. Empties cannot be selected their selves in the diff view. They get automatically selected when the log-id they relate to is selected.
Parta data - general and project structure:
- The attribute modul was moved to the normal part data attributes.
- There is an areas filter for the part data. This supports you especially when using ipolog 4 Workspace to select all parts that should be shown due to the material areas they are related to. There you can chose between areas with and without a station.
- Is no filter selected, no material will be shown in your planning space. Only material is shown if this material fits the area / station filter.
- As in our old structure, you can lock a planning space. Due to this you can continue working in your planning space and no colleague could interrupt you. Your colleagues can open a locked planning space in read only mode during it is locked.
- We can reset the usage of a ruleset in ipolog. This supports you to configure the planning space as you want.
- The KPI-Monitor is available again. We updated our KPI-Monitor to support the new structure. You can compare different planning spaces of the same or different scenarios.
- In our new structure you can use now scenarios as templates or convert them to templates. Scenarios can be frozen again. If a scenario is frozen, none can change anymore anything inside the scenario till this status is rest.
Known issues:
- Currently our ruleset does not allow to choose attributes of the group framework of parts or part types, e.g. part name or part number.
- If a box with texture is imported to a common box planning state, it is not shown correctly in common boxes, but in ipolog 4 Workspace.
- In our old structure it is not possible to use common boxes or common racks when creating a new scenario. In our new strucuture it is not possible. Due to the switch to our new project strucutre, there will be no effort put on this topic.
- In the pending changes view for racks, there are smaller errors for the rack visualisation in the 2D view here.
- If boxes were deleted in a box planning state, this is not transferred correctly to the scenario where the box planning state is linked.
Solved issues:
The dwg-export is functional again for all scenarios.
- The migration of old scenarios to our new project structure is possible for all scenarios now.
Part data
- It is possible to import part data which contains a part weight with decimal separators (comma).
When creating a new log-id with a loading carrier, it can only be saved, if the attribute parts per loading carrier is also selected. We show this as a hint to our users.
When creating a new part data via the import, we allow values with 0 or empty value for product data.
There was an issue for the automatic mapping of columns with the name "name". This issue is solved.
- Special rack geometries which were exported via the portal, are now created correctly. This causes no issue anymore when importing and using in a different planning space.
- There is no longer the option to compare two planning spaces with the same name.
- The deletion and renaming of rack bays is possible again. No issues are occurring anymore.
- The problem to import a bigger amount of racks is solved now.
- We had many performance improvements for the web components that can have impact also to our other components.
New features in ipolog 4 Material Flow
Part data - empties:
- The empties of a part data planning state are also shown in the diff view. Those changes are shown to understand which impact they will have.
- The column default process chain of a part data planning state is shown again in ipolog 4 Material Flow and used for the filtering in the decision tree. This supports also to migrate existing data and continue using it.
Improved visualisation of different buttons, such as the save button or the update button in in the process chain editor.
Known issues:
- In some cases, the updated stage information can cause that the status of a process chain is not set correct during discarding.
- If you discard in the production data view, the value for products per day is set wrong.
- In our old structure there are issues with the status of a locked scenario and working parallel in this scenario. The users receive messages during saving and stop there saving both together.
- If you delete a grouping chain in the logistics quantity framework, it is not working currently. Please delete them in the view grouping chain editor.
- In existing planning spaces there can be a crash in transport calculation if the shift schedule is exactly 24 hours. This can be solved by adjusting the shift schedule to 23hours and 59 minutes as total duration.
- Sometimes the filtering in the decision tree can get lost if you adjust the decision tree.
- In the static heatmap the values are not shown correct in some cases.
- The first grouping chain order is not calculated correct. The other orders are calculated correct.
- The detailed calculation of the production data is only done, if the shift schedule is for the base product is set. But for the calculation for different product groups is working correct with the selected shift schedule for each product group.
- In the view shift schedule management there could occur different issues.
- If default process chains that are not in use, were deleted, in some cases the assignment in the decision tree is not kept.
- The cycled routes are not calculated correct in the transport simulation view.
Solved issues:
There was an issued solved for the calculation of the different stock levels for the supply chains and discarding them.
- In our kpi-monitor several sections that contained the transports are no longer empty.
Decimal numbers are now shown with a "," in the exported files of logistics quantity framework, process elements and manpower calculation.
- There was a crashed solved when switching between different cost evaluations.
The crash when transferring data to the factory viewer is solved.
- We had one issue in the example folder for racks. The folder was updated.
In shift schedule management it is no longer possible to create shift schedules with a duration of exact 24h. This issue caused a crash when calculating the transports.
The update of the logistics quantity framework is now possible if the parts have the same part names but different part numbers.
New features in ipolog 4 Workspace
- Due to the changes to our new structure, we updated also our production flow view. With the new structure you can select now different scenarios and planning spaces. The only restriction is to have them in the same project. For our old data structure, the production flow was not changed.
- The options to plan sequences were extended in comparison to the previous version. If you create a sequence, please keep in mind at all selected material has to be on the same area and on the same stage. This allows you to publish your changes.
Known issues:
- In the view material provisioning editor not all attributes are updated automatically. One example is the z-rotation or when moving material from the material zone editor.
- For some old scenarios the values for dummy boxes can be reset. We suggest to switch to using the common boxes.
- There are some issues with the synchronization of processes. They are considered differently depending on how the calculation of the processes is started.
- The revisions can no longer be opened in the old structure and we will no longer fix that issue due to our switch to the new structure.
- Currently we can visualize only facilities with a dimension for length and width smaller than 3,2 kilometers.
- The assignment of tool points to workers gets lost after the reimport of the excel file.
- If the 2D view stays empty, please reload again the planning space.
- If you import some data several times via the micorstation plugin, it sometimes gets los. We suggest to save the data after each import from microstation to reduce this risk.
- In the filterset it is currently possible to select several products for the same station.
- In the assembly process editor, not all attributes are updated correct if one process is moved in the worker gantt.
- If the colorizer is active, not all changes are reflected in the colorizer. This is depending to the colorizer you have chosen.
Solved isues:
Fine placement:
- The dummy boxes after importing new material are now shown again correctly. The size and the visualisation are shown as in the import file defined.
The fine placement of migrated scenarios is kept also when migrating to our new data structure. This allows you to continue working with ipolog and to profit also from our latest ipolog version.
- The fine placement is also kept, when importing a new data set or updating the data set via a planning state update.
- Boxes are placed on the correct outside corner areas, if they were draged and droped via the catalog on the area.
- If the user does a double click on a working point, then the via zooms exactely to this point in the 2D view.
- In the summary report, the correct racks of your planning space are now considered.
There were some issues with the selected algorithm (can be changed via the options --> developer). Now depending to the algorithm, the processes are done in the worker gantt. Also, a crash was solved related to this topic.
- The issue, that coloured 2D facilities were hidden by other facilities were solved. In the facility view, we added a solution to decide which facility is shown at first.
Changes of the 3D model of racks are now displayed correctly. The changes are also shown to users if the rack was adjusted in the rack instance editor.
There were several changes done in the logging to describe the error messages better.
Some of the facilities were lost after the import via the ms plugin. This issue is solved.
If some cad files were imported several times and added to the catalog, there was a crash. This was solved now.
If an imported facility is not blocking, then the facility has to be reimported. After the reimport, the facility will be blocking again.
ipolog Factory Viewer
- We added a log to the config file, so it is no longer necessary to update the installation path of the factory viewer after each release in ipolog 4 Material Flow and ipolog 4 Workspace. This allows you also to define the installation path as admin for all your users using the ipolog factory viewer.
Known issues:
- There can be an offset after a long visualisation timeframe between the ipolog factory viewer and ipolog 4 Material Flow.
- If you zoom several times in the transport gantt in ipolog 4 Material Flow, there can be changes in the box volume visualisation and the colours because the timeframe is moved.
Solved issues:
- The facility which was imported to ipolog via a dwg file is now displayed correctly (as in ipolog 4 Workspace or ipolog 4 Material Flow).
- The 2d facilities (initially created via gltf files dgn or dwg file) are now displayed correct.
If data was transfered beforehand to the ipolog factory viewer, the data is now deleted when the feature “clear existing data on publish“ is activated.
Overall topics:
Solved issues:
- This version includes several performance improvements that have impact to all ipolog components.
- After the connection gets lost to the internet or a timeout is occurring, the authentication has to be done again. Unsaved changes will be kept and saved after the connection is established again.
Performance Verbesserungen, die sich auf alle ipolog Komponenten auswirken.
Nach Verbindungsabbruch zu Internet/Cloud/Timeout ist eine erneute Anmeldung möglich. Ungespeicherte Planungsstände/-daten können gespeichert werden und bleiben erhalten.
Technical adaptations:
- New users are registered directly to our ipolog cloud without being logged in before.
- We did some updates to our common data standard api.
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