All functions necessary to work with ipolog Factory Viewer are displayed in the module bar. If you move the cursor over an icon, the name of the module is displayed.
1. View from top changes the current view to a bird's eye view, which shows you the entire planning area from above.
2. & 3. switches back and forth between View Mode and Annotation Mode. In view mode, you can move freely through your project. The Annotation Mode offers the possibility to make notes on individual elements - such as areas, workers or even shelves.
4. Toggle Viewpoint List opens or closes the list of viewpoints you have saved in your Factory Viewer planning space. Further information here: Viewpoints.
5. Show/Hide Transport Network shows or hides the previously defined transport network in your project.
6. Show/Hide Transport Routes shows or hides the previously defined transport routes through your project.
7. Show/hide Transport Activity Indicators shows or hides the transport route usage.
8. Show/hide Box Volume on Areas shows or hides the display of the load on individual areas based on the box volume level.
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