ipolog Factory Viewer
ipolog Factory Viewer is a new Module of ipolog. It is available in the download section next to ipolog 4 Material Flow and ipolog 4 Workspace.
- The ipolog Factory Viewer offers a chance to see planning results from ipolog 4 Workspace and ipolog 4 Material Flow combined in one 3D visualization. The high performant 3D view allows a virtual journey through the factory hall in advance. Therefore a realistic and transparent visualisation of planning results is possible.
- The ipolog factory viewer shows means of transport, the transport network, routes, material area, placement of boxes and rack on the material areas, workers near the assembly line and the changes of box volume during the simulation day.
- In our ipolog factory viewer the changes of box volumes on single areas will be shown for the selected simulation day. Therefore, the utilization of this area is shown by different colour schemas. The colours and the threshold values can be selected in the settings of ipolog 4 Material Flow.
Also, a default hight for this area can be defined. If you have concrete z-limits for areas defined in ipolog 4 Workspace and the data from ipolog 4 Workspace is also pushed to the ipolog Factory Viewer, those will be in used. - If data cannot be visualized in the ipolog factory viewer, there is an information button in this view at the right corner at the bottom which shows some reasons. One reason could be that the transport in ipolog 4 Material Flow have to be recalculated.
When zooming in 3D view, the zoom goes in the direction of the cursor. So, you have the chance to navigate faster than before in the 3D view.
Additionally, the whole navigation of the ipolog Factory Viewer is aligned to ipolog 4 Material flow and ipolog 4 Workspace. More information can be found here:
ipolog Factory Viewer: Navigation – ipolog Hilfe - All settings for the factory viewer can be done in ipolog 4 Material Flow in the settings and for ipolog 4 Workspace in the options.
Known issues:
The box volume on area is transfered from ipolog 4 Material Flow to ipolog Factory Viewer when this setting is deactivated in the settings of ipolog 4 Material Flow.
ipolog Web-Views
- Dwg files of single workspace scenarios can be exported in the web portal of ipolog. In this export the material areas of the workspace scenario but also the boxes placed on the floor and rack area visible. Boxes inside racks are not visible, because this export is only in 2D. If you want to see the boxes inside racks, please use the material zone report.
- When creating and editing rack in the rack editor or rack instance editor, names can be changed for rack shelves and rack bays. You can select individual names for them. If you want to keep our default names, this is also possible. We check to have no identical names for rack shelves and rack bays.
Known Issues:
The feature clear recycle bin is not available at this moment.
- The visualisation of scenario locked is not always updated correctly.
After changing the names of planning states, the name is not updated in existing scenarios if you click on edit scenario. The name that was defined before changing to a new name is still listed up there.
- The multiselection to delete scenarios is not available.
In some situations, there are longer waiting time in our web views. We are aware of those issues and are already working on solutions.
Solved issues:
- If there is a reason why common boxes and common racks cannot be imported, the reason is now shown to the user.
- In some cases, there was an error 404 after login to the web portal. This issue is solved.
After the second deletion of the same scenario in kpi monitor the scenario is no longer visible in the kpi monitor now. Before it was always kept in the kpi monitor.
- Exported boxes by ipolog 4 Workspace via the 4MF Package can be imported to a common box planning state.
- The reimport of common boxes is functional again.
In some cases, there were issues when importing racks - those are solved now.
ipolog 4 Material Flow
- During the loading and saving actions of the scenarios the performance was improved. You will discover those improvements at least after the second time of opening scenarios. During the first opening of scenarios, sometimes data has to be loaded from the server.
- Also, the saving in the view product data was highly improved.
Extension of cost evaluation:
The costs can be evaluated per part number. This offers more transparency about the costs than before. The costs are divided into costs for stage processes, costs for tuggers (also empty trips), costs for direct means of transport and costs per trailers. Costs drivers can be identified really fast by using our individual filter and sorting options.
- We also offer with our latest release version the option to evaluate the costs per product. By evaluation it is visible which product variante causes the highest number of costs. Dependently if the base product or concrete products are selected in the production data, the costs are calculated. We also show for each product variante how many costs are caused by costs for tuggers, trailers, direct transports and manpower.
- In cost evaluation it is possible to add ongoing costs manually. Therefore, all costs that are not evaluated automatically can be added by each user. Those costs can be added per day or per shift.
The calculation of all costs is based on the selected simulation day in transport simulation. The selected simulation day is also selected in the cost evaluation for having more transparency in those views.
Adaption of navigation in ipolog 4 Material Flow:
move view → keep right mouse button pressed and move mouse
rotation in 3D view → keep middle mouse button pressed and move mouse
zoom in 2D view and 3D view → mouse wheel
focus on single elements → double-click with left mouse button on element
select element → click with left mouse button
deselect all in 2D view → click with middle mouse button on area/ component
multiselection in 2D → keep CTRL pressed and click on element with left mouse button
multiselection in 2D with frame → keep SHIFT pressed and draw frame with middle mouse button
zoom in 2D view to a specific space → keep ALT pressed and draw frame with middle mouse button
Cancelling the placement of a frame for a specific area → keep middle mouse button pressed till a green rack tangle is visible
More changes:
Common Racks can be used in ipolog 4 Material Flow now. When creating a new scenario, a new planning state for common racks can be selected. All racks from the planning state are available in the ipolog 4 Material Flow scenario. So we have a common data settings in ipolog 4 Material Flow and ipolog 4 Workspace.
Due to this we have removed the rack import in ipolog 4 Material Flow in resource management. - The import of the logistic quantity framework (LQF) allows to import log-ids without loading units. So it is no longer necessary to define dummy-data in the LQF to importing the data when no loading units are in use. We also check in supply chain editor, if a log-id without a loading unit is assigned to a default process chain containing loading units. In this case, the supply chain gets valid, if the loading unit is defined. Otherwise, it stays as undefined.
- In default process chain editor, it is possible to filter and sort in the list of default process chains, default grouping chains and default disposal chains. This supports to find the default chain faster than before.
- When zooming in 3D view, the zoom goes in the direction of the cursor. So, you have the chance to navigate faster than before in the 3D view.
- We have set the static heatmap in the 2D view to invisible. If you want to see how all routes are defined in your layout, please switch to submodule create routes and select the single routes. If you want to see how many transports are using the same connections in your transport network, the dynamic heatmap supports you. You can select timeframes of 15 minutes, one shift or the whole day.
Technical adaptations:
The version of OpenSSL was updated to version 3.1.4.
Known issues:
- After changing the working time of the selected shift schedule, the number of product per day is not calculated correctly in production data view.
In the shift schedule management submodule, there are several smaller issues.
- In the 2D view, there is no update if the user switches between area and volume evaluation. We suggest switching between submodules and to activate/ deactivate the evaluation.
In the kpi monitor there are several smaller issues, p.e. in the evaluation of logistic processes.
In the way point analysis, there is no evaluation in the table on the right-hand side if the time frame "whole day" is selected.
The means of transport forecast calculation is not updated correctly if the parameters were changed.
In the submodule grouping chain editor not all columns of the logistic quantity framework are available.
- The cycle intervals of a tugger train are moved after a break has started. This means after the break, the cylce interval that started at the beginning is no longer in use, the cycle will start after the break time without caring of the cycle intervals for the simulation day.
- After switching between submodules, it is no longer possible to add costs manually, to edit them or to delete them.
The maximum weight is not shown in the tugger evaluation in transport simulation submodule for special corner cases.
- After changing the default grouping chains, there is no direct update in grouping chain editor.
- After discarding in the submodule process chain editor, there is no update. The values that should be discarded are still shown. To see the latest values, please switch between the selected chain(s).
For some corner cases, there was a crash detected when doing some changes to the assignment of log-ids to default process chains in submodule decision tree.
The first order for a grouping chain contains to much material in it. All other orders for grouping chains are calculated correctly.
Solved issues:
The data in submodule production data is calculated correct, independetly which shift schedule is selected for the base calculation. This has no longer any impact to the detail calculation.
- After discarding changes in product data submodule and opening the scenario again, there is no longer any crash.
- In process chain editor, single log-ids are now shown correct. So the filter option can be also used again.
- There is no longer a crash in transport simulation if grouping chains contain disposal chains with a containter change from loging carrier to loading unit.
- Facilities, that were rotated, are shown correct in ipolog 4 Material Flow. This means also rotated.
- The grouping chain no longer keeps the status defined in process chain editor, if the assignment of material areas to stop points is removed.
The LQF reimport no longer results into issues when the filter for empty values is acitve in the assignment of log-ids to default process chains (decision tree).
- After synchronising the planning states of common boxes, the supply chains keep their status also in special cases.
Also when a template-scenario was in use, the common boxes are now shown in the scenario correct and also the supply chains keep their status correctly. - There is no longer a crash in transport simulation if no shift schedule is selected in the submodule production data.
- There is no longer a crash when switching between scenarios or after reopening a scenario.
- The saving button gets active when only material areas of disposal chains were changed in process chain editor.
- Scenarios, that showed the error message "not fitting shift" in transport simulation do no longer crash if the shift schedule was changed.
For some scenarios, the error "no fitting shift" was shown in transport simulation for the last day of the simulation day options. This error does no longer appears.
In the area evaluation in 2D view there is no longer the value -0,0% shown. This only happened in special scenarios and for those the issue is solved now.
- After discarding of imported process time elements with time elements, the time elements are now deleted also in the time element management view.
- When changing the trailer capacity in static trailer calculation, it is saved correct now and the also after switching submodules.
- For some corner cases the transports were shown as outdated even if they were calculated before. This issue is solved.
- In transport simulation there was a crash in scenarios that had a grouping with only one stage. This crash is solved.
- When saving the logistics quantity framework (LQF), it is possible to deactivate the checkbox of "delete grouping chain".
- The options for reimporting the LQF were also fixed. Now the update for containers of groupings chains is working correct for all options.
- After exporting and reimport the decision tree, there is no longer an issue in the software.
- After reassigning a disposal chain after changing the process time elements, the aussingend route and trailer type are kept in the supply chains.
ipolog 4 Workspace
- During the loading and saving actions of the scenarios the performance was improved. You will discover those improvements at least after the second time of opening scenarios. During the first opening of scenarios, sometimes data has to be loaded from the server.
Create measurements in ipolog:
It is possible to create several independent measurements and chains of measurements in material zone editor and in layout editor. They can created at different places in the layout and for different distances.
Those measurements can be saved within the scenario. After reopening a scenario, the measurements are available, also for the colleagues.
- The measurements are also included in the (grouped) material zone report.
- When exporting the (grouped) material zone report, additional to the excel file, also a pdf file and an image of the total overview are created.
When zooming in 3D view, the zoom goes in the direction of the cursor. So, you have the chance to navigate faster than before in the 3D view.
Adaption of navigation in ipolog 4 Workspace:
move view → keep right mouse button pressed and move mouse
rotation in 3D view → keep middle mouse button pressed and move mouse
zoom in 2D view and 3D view → mouse wheel
focus on single elements → double-click with left mouse button on element
select element → click with left mouse button
deselect all in 2D view → click with middle mouse button on area/ component
multiselection in 2D → keep CTRL pressed and click on element with left mouse button
multiselection in 2D with frame → keep SHIFT pressed and draw frame with middle mouse button
zoom in 2D view to a specific space → keep ALT pressed and draw frame with middle mouse button
Cancelling the placement of a frame for a specific area → keep middle mouse button pressed till a green rack tangle is visible.
More changes:
The background colour of the 3D view can be changed to have a different colour than the "classical" grey. This allows to make also elements visible that are white or grey and could not be seen before in the 3D view.
- The drift analysis in the worker gantt is available again. This allows to see the worker paths and processes for different processes of an imported production program.
- In the WorkerPathReport all products and the total capacity and workerpaths are shown. Not only single products are displayed, also the all_product.
- In Material Zone Editor the information window can be moved, too. This window is shown after selecting some material. It can be moved to an individual position.
Technical adaptations:
The version of OpenSSL was updated to version 3.1.4.
Known issues:
- If the box rotation in the excel import file differs from the values 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°, 360°, the box rotation is not shown correct.
- In the layout editor the dimensions of width and depth of an area are not shown correct in the information window if they were rotated before.
- If boxes were imported via an excel file that are not contained in common boxes and the dimensions were not set in the excel file, the material is not visible in the scenario, but they are listed in the material provisioning editor.
- In the view material provision editor not, all attributes are updated correct. One example is the z-rotation.
In the rack planogram, the visualisation of bays of one rack is not correct, if the user switches between views assembly worker and logistic worker.
Chaing the diameter of a rack in rack instance editor is not updated correct in other views in ipolog 4 Workspace. There could occur, e.g. visualisation issues.
Sometimes it takes quite a long time till the rack instance editor opens. For this issue we are currently investigating to find a solution for it.
For some old scenarios, it could occur that boxes are reset to their dummy dimensions. We highly recommend to use common boxes in your scenarios.
There is one crash when you are working with blocking areas inside a rack and the rack is changed afterwards via the rack instance editor.
- Racks are not placed on the outside corner area, if the z-height is changed on the area and the rack is no longer allowed to be placed on this area with the changes.
If to large boxes are placed on a rack, those boxes are no longer visible till you do a restart of the scenario.
Solved issues:
If material was selected in material provisioning editor, it now selected and displayed as selected also in the 3D view.
- After changing the station name, also the name of the outside corner gets renamed automatically.
- If boxes were moved in the rack planogram from outside corner in a rack, they were displayed twice. This is solved.
Boxes are no longer placed on the outside corner area if an empty rack was assigned to a material area and material was placed inside that rack and afterwars the green arrows were used in the rack planogram to palce the boxes inside the rack.
- After editing a rack in the rack instance editor, no longer an empty rack is created. The rack that was selected before is edited now. Also, there are no longer issues when opening the rack instance editor.
- Sometimes there were issues that 2D elements were not shown or only partly in (grouped) material zone editor. this is solved.
- If a product was selected in conveyor editor, the product is reset in the worker gantt and in the animation control.
- The deletion of several areas is possible in the layout editor without any issues.
- If a rack with material in it is placed to an other material area, the entries in material provisioning manager are updated correct. So, all material inside the rack will get the latest material area shown in the cell.
- After creating a scenario and reopening the created scenario, there is no longer a crash.
- After renew placement and moving a process, there is no longer a crash.
- When exporting the excel file, the placement on outside corner areas is added correctly, even if no fine placement was done before creating the export file.
- Areas, imported via microstation can be duplicated correct now.
- No longer a white window is visible if a locked scenario is closed.
- After rotating a facility, the facility is also shown correct in the layout editor.
- Changed areas in the layout editor are now added correct to the export of the workspace-excel.
- After the second reimport of a layout, the outside corner areas no longer get lost.
- In the reporting the utilization of workers is shown correct.
- In some cases there was the error message "scenario can't be opened - error cleaning up". This is solved and scenario with this message can be opened again.
- The correct bay hint is shown again in material provisioning editor.
- There is no longer a difference for boxes of sequences in material provisioning editor and the tooltip. The correct container is shown.
- The correct name of the product variant is shown again in worker gantt.
- There is no longer a offset from the reference points from facilities.
- Bigger facilities be imported and saved without any issues. Also the visualisation in 2D view and 3D view is the same as in the CAD-file.
- The utilization of racks is shown correct in rack planogram and in the 3D tooltipp. There is no longer a difference.
- After changing the leading edge, boxes are placed correct, even if the material area was rotated before by 180°.
- After closing ipolog 4 Workspace, there was an issue that the application could not be opened again. This issue is solved.
- After changin the type of the rack shelf in rack instance editor, there was no update in all effected views. This is solved now.
- In 3D view and in material zone editor, the information for dummy boxes is shown correct.
- There is no longer a difference between 3D/2D view and the materia provisioning editor if the boxcount and the box matrix were changed due to an excel import.
- In (grouped) material zone report, the material areas are shown correct, if they were rotated before via the layout editor.
- In some special scenarios a crashed happened when duplicated products were in this scenario. This crash is solved.
- After switching between scenarios, the scenario is updated correct, and the list of scenarios is visible after reloading.
- In the reporting, the amount of the utilization of products is shown correct.
- After reimporting the excel file, the box names and box sizes are updated correct.
- For some scenarios issues occurred if the facilities were to large and saving did not work. This is solved.
- After creating the summary report, crashed occurred in the past. This is no longer an issue.
Technical adaptations for deployment:
Streamlining of the deployment process:
The download of the ipolog software can be done via a registry, starting from release 4.4.7.
It contains all images for the servers, all versions for ipolog 4 Material Flow (German and English) and for ipolog 4 Workspace. For both modules, they are available as zip and msi file.
The ipolog factory viewer can be found there, too. It is the first of the factory viewer and we have the zip file available. The installer as .msi file will be available in the next release (4.5.0). -
The packaging of the client versions (ipolog 4 Material Flow, ipolog 4 Workspace und ipolog Factory Viewer) is available in the download api and can be downloaded via the web portal of ipolog after the successful update of the server. Only the client specific webapi.ini file for the on premise server has to be added. For some clients, also the correct ipolog_4WS.ini file.
- The ipolog registry can be reached via specific logins. They will be share with our contact persons for the deployment of ipolog (if ipolog runs on servers that are hosted on customer side).
The procedure of updating the server is changed a little. At first the server has to be updated before the download of the latest version of all ipolog modules can be done via the ipolog portal / release downloads.
Not only in our clients we did optimizations on performance topics, but also on clusterside the performance should be better now.
With the latest version, the ingress configuration can also be done via core.
Custom CA-configuration is now supported.
Several vulnerabilities were solved and security updates performance, e.g. for MinIO and Postgress. Also, security updates were done for all base images.
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