Open ipolog 4 WS and log in. On the start page, first select the "House" icon (1). Then click on the drop-down menu at "No Selection" (2). At last select the server (your planning adventure) to create the ipolog planning adventure scenario there (3).
Your ipolog administrator has already set up a project and planning area for the Planning Adventure. To create a new scenario, navigate through these two levels and click "Add Scenario" located in the upper right corner of the page.
When creating the Planning Adventure scenario, select "IPA_WS_Template_07_2023" as the template. Provide a title and an optional description. In the bottom section, "Import Resources," link the iPA container and shelf catalogue from the shared database to your scenario. Names may vary from the screenshot.
Then click on "Create scenario".
You have successfully created the planning adventure scenario and can now start.
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