New features in ipolog 4 Material Flow
When opening the scenario, we were able to achieve significant performance improvements for large projects. Scenarios can be opened much faster.
Saving the change of simulation parameters is faster.
Usability Improvement:
There is now a multiselect in the Layout Editor for assigning surfaces to layout levels and in the Path Network Editor for assigning surfaces to breakpoints. The multiselect is activated by pressing the shift key and left-clicking on a material surface.
Fixed issues:
Logistic quantity structure (LMG)
If decimal numbers are imported in the Parts per LT or LE columns, an error message now appears during import.
The station in the Station column in the LMG is now no longer removed when filtering for parts in the decision tree.
In the logistical quantity structure, the material area is now also entered correctly again if the user has changed it manually and then discarded it in the supply chain editor.
Layout planning
Undo/redo in the Layout Editor now also works correctly again.
After discarding clocked routes, the Save and Discard buttons also no longer remain active.
Switching between the layout planning and material flow planning modules without pressing the Save button no longer causes a crash.
Material flow planning
If the filter criteria in the decision tree have names that are too long, they are now displayed in full again.
In the decision tree, it is now possible to filter by custom columns again.
If certain data is still missing in the supply chain, the tool tip now again correctly tells you what is not defined. For example, the material areas are no longer displayed, but the routes are displayed if they are not defined.
If several filters are set at once in the supply chain editor, they are now set correctly again and the corresponding entries are displayed in the filtering.
The status of bundle chains in the supply chain editor is now also set correctly again if a layout level was assigned without assigned areas.
In certain scenarios, there was a crash when discarding changes to material surfaces in the supply chain. This has now been fixed.
Transport calculation:
If a container exactly matches the defined loading volume of the trailer in terms of dimensions, there is now no error message in the order list for the transport and the transport is performed. Of course, containers larger than the volume of the material area on the trailer can still not be transported.
We were also able to fix the crash due to speeds of 0 m/s for means of transport. It is now obligatory that the speed of a means of transport is greater than 0m/s.
If routes are defined as timed in the Create routes submodule, they are no longer listed as unfulfillable orders in the order list.
In addition, the number of unfulfillable orders is now set correctly again and the orders that really are unfulfillable are marked as unfulfillable.
In the order list in the transport simulation, the part name and the container name are displayed again.
The Transport Gantt always showed a short gap when the end of one route was the same as the beginning of the next route. We were able to fix this error.
The transport list can now be exported completely again, even in larger scenarios.
Changes in the times for loading and unloading processes are directly taken into account again in the transport simulation without a restart.
If the trailer area is changed, the correct number of trailers is now displayed in the transport gantt again.
In the Grouping submodule, the correct number of orders per day is now displayed again in the Number of orders column. This means that the transport groups are also correctly evaluated in the KPI Monitor again.
If transport groups that are no longer in use are deleted in the group formation, the Save and Discard buttons are now active again.
After changing the assignment in the decision tree, a correct update also takes place again after calculating transports in the group formation. If the transport relations are no longer assigned to a manually created group, the column Number of orders is now also updated correctly again.
In the area and volume evaluation, the parts-based material area analysis again shows the correct values and the volume key figures are updated after changes in the supply chain.
The KPI Monitor now also correctly outputs the set simulation tolerance again.
New features in ipolog 4 Workspace
We have removed four views from the menu bar that were no longer in use. If you miss a view, just let us know.
We also modernized the design of our catalog and moved the buttons for new, edit, delete, duplicate, apply to a central bar above each resource.
If bays are used in the import file for shelves, they are now also placed according to the bays in the shelves during import, so the initial placement is according to the expected placement when using bays in shelves.
For revisions that are not current, only the Save As button is visible.
In the Catalog/ Facilities view we have removed the new button.
In addition to the rack type, the rack name, if available, is now also displayed in the rack planogram.
Resolved issues:
If a container is moved from one material to another material surface and these material surfaces have different z-corrdinates, the container is now moved correctly in height.
During the Excel import, not all information was received due to missing values. We now interrupt the import if the top value in the columns AVO, Worker, Station, Duration max and Product is missing.
If no permissions are set for a project, no wrong scenarios are displayed again, instead the error 403 is displayed.
Crash no longer occurs when importing invalid layouts.
If an OBJ model is imported as a facility, it is now also displayed in color again.
Changes to boxes in the catalog now lead to the thumbnails and the 3D image being displayed correctly again after editing.
There are now also no more problems with the resources when a scenario is imported from an .ipo file into the cloud.
After moving materials via the Material Zone Editor and then exporting the Excel file, there are now no more empty lines in this file.
The set option for Show thumbnails in the login screen is now retained again after a restart of ipolog 4 Workspace.
After importing from a CAD facility, this facility is now also saved if the save has been triggered.
Containers no longer disappear if they are set to a too small area.
After deleting the z-rotation of a container in the Material Provisioning Editor, there is no longer a crash.
In Catalog, the geometry of shelves and boxes is no longer lost after copying and creating these resources.
If facilities are already imported into a scenario and set as blocked, they are no longer lost when importing processes afterwards.
The tooltip of the trash icon in the Facility View now shows delete instead of blocking again, that the trash icon should actually say too.
The Material Difference Report shows again all possible revisions that can be selected.
The Process Excel no longer shows additional lines for workers without material after export.
The Logging View now shows again the number of all entries - differentiated by error and warning.
New functions in ipolog portal
We have added a new view ipolog user. Through this there is the possibility, with appropriate permissions, to import and export scenarios.
Resolved issues:
If Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome was used, sometimes the tokens could not be completely confirmed when registering on a system. We have been able to fix this bug as well.
Confirmation of registration for a system is now fully redirected to the portal again.
After editing or modifying changes in the groups and then discarding them, the system no longer jumps back to the project view.
If a group is deleted, all other groups are now also visible again, so it is no longer necessary to switch between views.
Also, all invitations are displayed again in full when an invitation has been deleted.
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