Provision requests for the generation of the order list and the transports can be exported from ipolog 4 Workspace.
In this case it is important that a layout (1) and the assembly processes (2) are already imported into ipolog 4 Workspace. The import must take place here via View > Projects. A production program (3) must also be imported into ipolog 4 Workspace via this view. This is done via the button "import production program (xls)".
The production program must then be activated via "View -> Production program":
Here you can define for how many products provisioning requests are to be activated. In the previous screenshot, this would be the maximum for 217 products.
After this step, deployment requests can be exported from ipolog 4 Workspace via the Projects view.
The first step here is to decide how the staging requests are to be exported. Note that the logistic ID mode must match the LOG ID in the logistics quantity structure. The following modes are available:
name | Columns from Process Excel | example |
AsmReq-ID | AVO (z.B. 1012) und Material (z.B. 1B3528) | 1012_1B3528 |
PartName | Material | 1B3528 |
PartName + Material Area | Material (z.B. 1012) and Materialfläche (z.B. Station01_ML) | 1012_Station01_ML |
Please note that a unique code must be generated by selecting the Logistic-ID mode.
If you click on the "export 4MF package" button (marked 1 in the screensot), load carriers, loading units and racks as well as the layout and facilities ( surrounding data) are made available directly after the export in addition to the provisioning requirements.
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