In the Ruleset, you can set up filters that determine which part data will be assigned to the individual planning spaces. To do this, select “ Rulesets” in the scenario view:
A pop-up window opens in which you can create a ruleset or adapt existing ones:
1. Select a Ruleset
Existing Rulesets can be selected here in order to edit them.
2. New Ruleset
The title for a new Ruleset can be entered here.
3. Attribute
Attributes are analogous to the column titles in your data set. These determine what is filtered - in this case, the Log-ID.
4. Operator
Operators determine how the filter works. These are based on the respective attribute and can be, for example, “Equal/not equal”, “Contains” and “Starts/ends with”. In this case, the system searches for an attribute that contains the filter criteria.
5. Filter criteria
Filter criteria are freely selectable and are determined by you. In this case, the system searches for an attribute that contains “LOG-032”.
6. Add rule
If you select “Add rule”, a new rule is added to the existing rule group. Rules - just like rule groups - are linked by operators (“AND”, “OR”). In this case, an “OR” operator has been selected:
This rule group therefore filters all parts whose Log-ID is “LOG-032” OR whose supplier begins with “M”.
Custom columns
If you use custom columns, adding a rule differs slightly from the normal procedure:
First select the “Custom column” attribute [1]. Then enter the exact name of the column that you want to use as an attribute for the rule [2]. The remaining fields work as usual: After selecting an attribute, enter an operator [3] and then the filter criteria[4].
7. Add group of rules
If you select “Add group of rules”, another rule group is added to the existing rule group. Rule groups combine rules. They are also linked with an “AND” or “OR” operator:
This ruleset consists of two rule groups - one in which all parts are filtered whose Log-ID is “LOG-032” OR whose supplier begins with “M” and one that filters all parts whose part weight is over 200kg.
These two rule groups are linked with an “OR” operator. Accordingly, the final set of rules is as follows:
(All parts whose Log-ID is “LOG-032” OR whose supplier starts with “M”) OR all parts whose part weight is over 200kg are filtered.
Please note: Rule groups combine rules - in this example, part data is imported, when its weight is over 200kg OR when its LOG-ID is "LOG-032" OR the supplier begins with "M". The rules “Log ID” and “Supplier” are inextricably linked.
8. Delete all rules
All rules that have already been created can be deleted at once here.
Using rulesets in the planning space
To apply the rules you have created to your planning spaces, select them when creating a new planning space or edit your existing planning spaces:
More Information here.
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