IPO.Log offers a help tool to prepare different source files for ipolog.
The help tool (Excel macro) can be found in the Examples under "8_Help Tools".
The aim of the help tool is to generate the Logistics Quantity Framework and the jsn required for resource generation in ipolog. Files. As an intermediate step, a template file is to be considered, which is also used for the creation of the jsn. files.
1. Generate LQF file
- Click to select a customer-specific Excel file in the appearing dialog window, which displays the existing data for the Logistics Quantity Framework.
- In the next step, a user interface is created in which you assign the respective columns of the customer-specific file to the columns of the LQF. This allows you to create an LQF that corresponds to the ipolog standard.
- A legend shows the status of the assignment and which columns of the LQF are optional and which are required fields.
- ToolTips also explain IPO LQF columns and how to use the default column.
- Default values serve as presetting if no column can be assigned or cells in it are empty. E.g. LC (for Load Carrier Name); 1 (for stacking factor)
- In addition to the LQF file, the button "Generate LQF file" also creates the resources in the form of jsn. files and a template file of the resources (excel).
- Before the final creation, the automatic check takes place whether a valid LQF file can be created.
- Note regarding resources: Only the load carriers and loading units, available in the LQF, are created as jsn. The remaining resources can be generated by template file.
2. Select LQF file
- If the button "Select LQF file" is clicked, a dialog appears in which the LQF output file is to be selected.
- The resource template file and the jsn. Resources are also created. Basis for this are the data from the LQF file.
- Note regarding resources: Only the load carriers and loading units available in the LQF are created as jsn. The remaining resources can be generated by template file.
3. Select resource template file
- If the button "Select template file" is clicked, a dialog appears in which this Excel file has to be selected.
- The template file can be filled manually with additional resources in Excel.
- There is one worksheet for each resource type.
Note: All data is created in the original source folder of the selected file.
4. additional options LMG Mapper
In the lower part of the LMG Mapper the user has 5 additional options, which refer to the button "Create LMG file":
- Delete lines without ID and name: by activating this option (default setting), the LMG Mapper automatically deletes all lines in the LMG to be generated where log ID and name are missing.
- Delete duplicate entries: by activating this option (default setting), the LMG Mapper automatically deletes lines in the LMG where the log ID is identical and thus duplicate entries.
- Create Assembly Excel: by activating this option, the LMG Mapper will not only create the cleaned material Flow LMG and the load units and load carriers, but it will also automatically create the appropriate Assembly Excel file, which can be imported into Workspace.
- Create Order Provision jsn: By activating this option, the LMG Mapper automatically creates the Order Provision jsn.
- Create LMG only: by activating this option, the LMG Mapper creates only the cleaned material Flow LMG but no load units and load carriers.
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