ipolog offers the possibility to use your native MicroStation (.dng) files as a basis for layout planning with the help of a plug-in.
There are two different steps:
- You can import the hall environment of the layout in the form of 3D elements from Microstation. Based on this environment, you can then create material areas in ipolog.
- With the plugin, material areas and stations can be created directly in MircoStation.
Import from the hall environment as a basis for ipolog
To import environmental data into ipolog, it must first be available in MicroStation.
- Please first open the .dgn file of the layout via MicroStation.
- Then select view 1 and set the top view there.
- Before the import to ipolog takes place, it must be checked again that only those layers are displayed on which geometries can be found that the software is to represent. The verification can be carried out via the "Ebenenmanager" (Layer Manager) in MicroStation. In our example we want to transfer the layer "z_TMP_01 and "Straße".
- Now you need to define an origin that correctly arranges the layout from MicroStation in ipolog. The definition is done via " Hilfskoordinate".
- Now the placement of a fence takes place. This fence is to be placed over the area of the hall environment that is to be imported into ipolog. All contents within this fence that can be seen in view 1 (top view) are imported into ipolog 4 WS.
The fence is now placed using the mouse. - In the following the fence has now been laid over the environment to be transmitted with the type "Block" and mode "Inside".
- Now ipolog 4 WS comes into action. After starting the ipolog 4 Workspace software, please open the MicroStation plugin via "Plugins".
- In the Plugin, the origin must then be selected which has also been defined in MicroStation via the " Hilfskoordinaten" setting or has already been defined in the file. The background of the "Hilfskoordinate is that the origin is now always the same when changes are made in the hall or when surfaces are transferred back from ipolog to MircoStation.
- Now the import can start in ipolog 4 WS: Click on the marked icon in the following screenshot.
- The name of the environment data must now be defined in the dialog that opens. In addition, the user can decide whether these environmental data are to be taken into account when positioning the material. Please do not use special characters.
- If no materials are allowed in environmental data, the checkbox can be activated directly during import. This setting can be undone at any time via "Facilities". Confirm the import with ok.
- Now the environment data imported from MicroStation are visible in the software.
- Now save your layout with "Save Layout".
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