To customize the options in Workspace, select "Options" in the upper right corner of the program:
From version 4.5.0
The "OC Scalefactor" determines the scaling of the outside corner of material areas.
The "Box Inserting" function uses a shelf into which the corresponding containers fit if the staging requirement allows it.
By activating the "Logistics planner mode", features in ipolog 4WS for logistics planning can be shown and hidden. These are
- File Menu
- Scenario Admin
- Catalog
- Facilities
- Logging
- Layout-Editor
- Material-Zone-Editor
- Production-Flow view
- Rack Planogram
- Material Provisioning Editor
- TagList Editor
- Selection Display
- Colorizer
"Require confirmation" sets whether user confirmation is required if non-recoverable steps are taken in the program.
Before version 4.5.0
"Use Outside Corners" activates or deactivates the Outside Corners function.
The Outside Corner (OC) can be made visible with the "Visible" function. Racks are hidden or displayed on the Outside Corner with "Allow Racks on OC".
The sacling of the OC can be defined in the OC Scalefactor.
In layouting, by activating "Box Merging", material that requires the same box and has the same provisioning requirement is placed together in one container.
The "Box Inserting" function uses a shelf into which the corresponding containers fit, if the provision requirement allows it.
By activating the Logistics planner mode, features in ipolog 4WS for logistics planning can be shown and hidden. These are
- File Menu
- Scenario Admin
- Catalog
- Facilities
- Logging
- Layout-Editor
- Material-Zone-Editor
- Production-Flow view
- Rack Planogram
- Material Provisioning Editor
- TagList Editor
- Selection Display
- Colorizer
Various standard distances can be defined under Layouting:
- The distance between individual parts on a shelf or material area
- The distance between rows of elements on a material area
- The distance between boxes within a box group
The number in Cycle Time (s) indicates the cycle time in seconds during the worker simulation.
Your products are displayed under "Product Template". You can use "Select" to replace the corresponding 3D-model.
Various settings for the 3D visualization can be made in the 3D-Display tab.
If the "Visualize Blocking Projection" checkbox is ticked, the actual blocking geometry is displayed.
Automatic camera guidance is activated by ticking "Autofly To Selection".
The graphical view can be adjusted with "Detail Display Range". The lower the number, the less detailed the graphical display.
The "Pick Style" changes the movement of workers when you pick up materials.
Settings for the 3D modelling of elements can be defined under "Shape Hints".
When a CAD program is connected to ipolog, a log file containing all .json files is created via "JSON Logging". "Use JSON Placement Info" adds the corresponding placement information.
The "Pathfinder Algorithm" is used to adjust how the route of the workers is calculated.
"Scheduling Algorithm" is used to set when and how the workers pick up material:
- "Pick and Place" only allows the workers to pick up material at the corresponding position in the worker Gantt if a "Pick Group" has been created for the associated material beforehand. If this has not been created, the worker first walks the routes and then picks up all the required material at the end
- "No Picking" sets that workers generally do not pick up any materials, but only walk their routes.
"UserRole" changes the user's authorizations. The "user" option is recommended.
Settings for the reports can be made in the Reporting tab.
Under "Name Components on Area numeric", the numbers of the boxes and racks are displayed in the report instead of the full name.
If "show boxgroups in rack" is activated, the boxes are stored in racks. Otherwise, the boxes are stored on the floor.
By activating "Consider Exact Position for Area-Overlapping Racks", the staging requests are grouped together.
With "Choose report manufacturer logo" you can store your own company logo in the "Material Zone Excel Report Custom Reporting" report.
In the "Header language of the excel reports" menu, you can select the language of the column labeling, which is output in the Excel file in addition to the German language.
Factory Viewer
The settings for linking ipolog 4 Workspace with the ipolog Factory Viewer can be adjusted here. More about this here.
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