In the menu item File you can load, save, export data and exit the program. These functions are included:
- Load Layout…: Here you select the production layout and open it.
- Update Layout…: You can merge a new layout with an existing fine placement using this function.
- Save Layout…: Save the opened layout (*.jsn file).
- Load Excel…: Select and load the Excel table.
- Save Excel…: Transfer changes to the Excel table.
- Fit View After Load: After loading, the view is reset to the default view.
- Monitor Excel: Returns the message when the Excel has been resaved that there have been changes and asks if the Excel should be reloaded.
- Switch to Excel…: The underlying Excel table will be opened in Excel.
- Import Delivery Type Excel...: Import of the assignment of parts to load carrier types
- Reports: Here you can write different reports.
- Graph Reports: Here you can write graphical reports.
- Export Project...: If you have uploaded a project via the Projects folder, you can export it here.
- Export as PackGo…: This function creates a folder into which all project data is copied. This includes layout, Excel file and files from all libraries.
- Export Collada…: Export function to the 3D format Collada. Factory hall including animation/worker movements and product movements are exported.
- Close Project: Clears all contents of the opened windows. However, the windows remain open.
- Exit: Closes ipolog.
- Reload Recent Layout: The layout will be reloaded.
- Reload Recent Excel: The Excel file is reloaded.
- Reload Both: The layout and the Excel file are reloaded.
- Reload Recent Workspace: Workspace files loaded via the Projects folder can be reloaded here.
- Renew Placement: Changes to the material or material settings are updated and reloaded. The fine placement is overwritten (also shelf positions of fixed shelves are recalculated).
- Renew Placement on selected Areas: Only on selected areas are changes to the material or material settings updated and reloaded. The fine placement is overwritten (shelf positions of fixed shelves are also recalculated).
- Layout Racks: Changes to the material or material settings are updated and reloaded. All fixed racks remain fixed. All other rack positions are recalculated.
- Layout Racks on selected Areas: Changes to the material or material settings are updated and reloaded only on selected areas. All fixed racks remain fixed. All other shelf positions are recalculated.
- Move Material to Workerside: The material is placed on the worker's side, depending on whether "left" or "right" is specified as the work position in the Excel file.
- Move selected Material to Workerside: Only selected material is placed on the worker's side, depending on whether "left" or "right" is specified as the work position in the Excel file.
- Show container attributes: Shows the properties of the containers
- Show container ids: Shows the ids of the containers
- Set Active Product: The desired product can be selected here.
- Calculate Active Product: The active product will be recalculated.
- Calculate All Products: All products are recalculated.
- Calculate Shown Products: All shown products will be recalculated (filtered products only).
- All-Tasks schedulable: With this function all processes can be moved in the Worker Gantt, including to another product.
- Play/ Pause: Work processes can be played and paused.
- Reset: The workers are returned to their starting position.
- Insert Pick Operations: If this command is activated, the paths to material retrieval are taken into account; if the command is not activated, no material retrieval paths are taken into account when calculating the production time.
- Insert Wait Operations: Here you can compare how the production time changes if the workers coordinate their work (synchronization times are taken into account) or if they work independently of other workers (synchronization times are not taken into account).
- Bird Path: Here you can set whether the worker should walk an idealized path to fetch material or similar (the so-called bird flight line - direct path to the target) and thus not consider any interfering contours. This serves to compare the time saving with the real distance. In addition, the calculation can be accelerated, which can gain in importance e.g. in simulations with many different products.
- Beam Path: If this command is activated, ipolog does not calculate any additional running times, because a flat-rate running time is stored. The worker "beams" himself from one working step to the next, without having to travel distances.
- Real Path: If this command is activated, the worker runs all paths as calculated by the program - the real running time is shown.
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