Select "Common Data" in the side bar:
Here the common data - including part data - can be managed:
The existing planning states are displayed under the corresponding resource (Boxes, Racks, Part Data). Select the "three dots"-symbol to edit an existing planning state.
Planning states are linked to every planning space in the same scenario, as long as the planning state is linked to the scenario first.
Managing part data
1. Expanding the planning state
By selecting the "gear"-symbol you can expand the planning state with custom columns and custom products:
2. Import part data
Here you can import your own part data (only in ".xlsx"-format). Further information here.
3. Refresh
If changes were made, this button refreshes the view.
4. Creating new data set
New Log-IDs and corresponding information can be created here. Further information here.
5. Adding a filter
Each filter consists of three components: An attribute, an operator and filter criteria.
To add a filter, simply select "Add filter". A window opens, in which two columns are displayed. The left column lists the available attributes [1], while in the right column you're able to configure your filter by choosing an operator ("Contains", "Equals", "Starts with", "Ends with") and the desired filter criteria [2]:
This filter for example only displays part data belonging to the Log-ID "LOG-032" - the same logic applies to the other attributes and operators.
Fully configured filters are also displayed in the overall view of the part data and can be edited, deleted using the “X”-symbol or reset by selecting “Clear all”:
6. Pending Changes
Changes in the part data will be displayed here.
Please note: Changes must be validated to be synchronized with your szenarios.
More information here.
7. Grouping attributes
Column titles can be drag and dropped here, in order to group part data for the corresponding attribute:
In this example the part data is grouped for "Parts per loading carrier" [1].
The newly created column "Group" [2] now lists part data sorted together by their "Parts per loading carrier", which we can see displayed below. The first row being 400 parts per loading carrier and so on.
The number in parenthesis' behind the parts per loading carrier is the amount of Log-IDs which have been grouped. Selecting the "Arrow"-symbol opens the detail view for this row [3].
8. Log-ID, Part-Type, Framework of Parts
Selecting the "Arrow"-Symbol expands and collapses the individual table modules "Log-ID", "Part-Type" and "Framework of Parts".
9. Columns
"Columns" enables you to hide/show individual columns by selecting the check mark next to it. Via the filter on the top of the columns window ("Search...") it is possible to search for the columns by name.
10. Sorting columns & further options
A single click with the left mouse button on any column title sorts part data for the corresponding attribute - first ascending and with another click descending. Hold down the left mouse button and drag a column title to another position to adjust the sort order. A single click with the left mouse button on the "three dots"-symbol opens additional options:
The first two options “Sort ascending” and “Sort descending” also allow you to sort your column in ascending or descending order.
With “Pin column” you can pin a column to the left or right of the editing area - the column then stays in place on the screen as you scroll.
With “Autosize this/all columns”, you can automatically adjust the column width of the currently selected column or all columns.
“Group by Log ID Name” groups the part data according to their Log-ID and “Choose/Reset Columns” allows you to show or hide individual columns and reset the overall view - similar to the “Columns” feature itself.
11. Table view
The column titles in the table correspond with the attributes by which ipolog 4 sorts the part data - these are also represented in the rules and when importing part data. The imported or created part data can be sorted here by clicking on the respective column title, filtered by setting up a filter or grouped in the grouping column. Individual entries can also be edited or deleted by selecting them with a simple right-click and choosing the respective option.
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